Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Mr Headmistress (TV) 8/1/06

I have to apologize for the quality of the last few movies. I really should make an effort to watch less crap.

Speaking of crap..... A guy leaves prison, the mob are after him, he steals the clothes from a lady on the train, the lady ends up being a headmistress of a school and he is carted to the school by the person who was going to pick up the headmistress from the train station.....and the cross-dressing fun begins.

I would suggest you watch something like "Happy Texas" instead. Two guys on the run have to pretend to be gay beauty pagent trainers for a bunch of young girls.

The cross-dressing main character is played by Harland Williams who later frocked up again for "Sorority Boys".

The comedy, plot and dialog is all very simple and predictable. You will get a laugh or two but don't expect anthing brilliant from this made-for-TV Disney movie.

Recommended For: Harland Williams fans
Not Recommended For: Everyone else (unless you are really bored)


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