Monday, January 09, 2006

Garden State (DVD) 8/1/05

This is a case of don't judge a DVD by it's cover. The front cover of the DVD made me think this was a offbeat comedy / adventure. (Bored adolescents get up to mischief) Instead the movie was much more of a drama with a lot of emphasis on conversations between the various characters.

Zach Braff (main character in Scrubs) is Andrew. He is a young bloke returning to his home town for a funeral. He has been away from the town since he was a kid, his life is not quite right and the trip brings back memories, answers questions and causes him to meet a compulsive liar called Sam (Natalie Portman).

Andrew's story unfold as the movie progresses, as well as the quirky lives of the people of the town.

Interesting in parts but I found it a bit tedious. (I was waiting for the crazy adventure to start but it didn't)

Recommended For: People wanting a thought provoking movie
Not Recommender For: Action Movie Buffs


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